Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pretty for Easter

In spite of not feeling her best, Signa tolerated being dressed up in an adorable dress to celebrate Easter. What a cutie!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

No longer a baby

All of the sudden Signa doesn't look like a baby anymore...she has a little girl face. Along with that beautiful face she also not has many more opinions about what she does and doesn't want to do. I think she may be practicing being two. YIKES!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Signa can walk.....

It's official. She is on the move. Although she still crawls when she is in a big hurry Signa is a walker. How fun to watch!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Family Traditions

One of the most fun things as a parent is to watch your children carry on family traditions. Whether it is a favorite recipe that they love (or even learn to make) or a special song that they join in to sing (so amazing when you realize they know the words!) or a comment about a special day of the year that they are looking forward to.... this weekend Signa participated in a long time family tradition as she gobbled up a German pancake that was made for her by her daddy and her big sis, Jessica. Jeff grew up eating these delicious pancakes every Saturday and I so enjoy watching him teach our big kids how to make them and watching our little one practically lick her high chair tray as she joins in a long time family tradition!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Me and My Sisters

Signa is so blessed to have such wonderful siblings. Sometimes people ask if it is hard having 15years between our oldest and our youngest. At times it makes things a bit more complicated but for the most part it is such a blessing. I can tell Signa misses the big kids when they are gone, her little face just lights up when they return. She is going to appreciate her sisters more and more as she grows up. Here are a couple of pictures that Jeff captured that are just irresistible.

Friday, August 7, 2009

First trip to the ER

What a week!! After fighting a high fever (104+ at times) for 2 days the pediatrician sent Signa to the ER. Poor baby girl was poked and prodded and x-rayed only to discover she has pneumonia. She seems to be on the mend now thank goodness. I can't imagine how I would have gotten through this week without my family: Brandt who stayed up with me from 2am-4am while we tried to get Signa's fever down, my Mom for helping me at the ER and feeding me for the last 5 days, all the moral support from Blythe and Christy. I am so blessed to have such a great support network. Love you guys!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hawai Trip

Signa's first trip to Hawaii was truly memorable! Half way through our week in paradise she developed a 103degree fever which meant she was miserably uncomfortable, incredibly needy and unable to sleep. Needless to say it was a rough trip for all of us. Jase and Lisa, who joined us on our "vacation," were incredible troopers. We're home now and she seems to be back in fighting form. What a trip! We are going to have to try that again one day. Here are some pics of us trying to cool her down...